How to Sell a Used Car in Dubai for Cash?

28 October,2023 , 10:00 am

Sell A Car

You want to sell a used car in Dubai for cash, but you don't know where to start. Are you a classified reader? Or do you post an online advertisement? Or do you ask around to see if anyone you know would be interested in purchasing an automobile?

Even though all of these are wise suggestions, you won't be able to maximize the value of your car. You must consider a number of factors in order to do this. Selling a car is not an easy task, but if done right, you will receive the best price for your valuable possession.

You will see that every vehicle in Dubai for sale is either in excellent condition or has been designated as certified pre-owned. If there's one thing is good at, it's helping you get the best deal on a used car in Dubai.

When Is The Best Time To Sell A Used Car in Dubai for Cash?

Perhaps you're wondering when selling a car is the best course of action. If your car is more than ten years old, you may be thinking about getting a new one. A machine operating at peak efficiency for ten years is a long time.

In addition, once the car reaches 100,000 kilometers, you might be better off selling it if you commute frequently. At that point, the majority of your car's parts need to be replaced or given a thorough service. Many of the cars for sale in Dubai will fall into this category; they will either be ten years old or have more than 100,000 miles on them.

Before Selling An Automobile, How Long Should I Keep It?

Answering this one is going to be difficult. Cars can accumulate sentimental value over time, which may conflict with a sale's practical duration. You will find it difficult to give up the car, especially if it was a gift or your first vehicle.

Most cars available for purchase in Dubai are frequently the exact opposite. Because their owners have to move or have fallen behind on their loan payments, these cars are parked on lots.

It also depends on how important the car is to you and how well it runs. You can sell your car without any hesitation if you can determine which one is more important than the other. A car shouldn't be kept in your garage for longer than fifteen years, in theory.

It is best to sell a car well before it reaches the 165,000 km mark because a car with that many miles on it has virtually worn out every part.

When Selling My Car, What Should I Look For?

To ensure you receive the best price for your used car in Dubai, there are a number of things you should look into. It is crucial to take good care of your car first and foremost. That is frequently the main factor that keeps your car's resale value high.

To assist you in that endeavor, we have put together a list of six guidelines that will ensure you receive the best price possible when listing your car among the Dubai cars for sale.

Six Useful Suggestions To Maximize The Price When Selling A Used Car In Dubai!


Keep the inside and outside of your car spotless. Although you may not think much of the state of your, a potential buyer might. Verify that the car is odor-free, that there is no dirt residue, and that the upholstery is clean. A thorough cleaning will do.


Even minor issues can cause an automobile's value to decrease when it's being sold. Verify that every mechanical and electrical component on the vehicle is in good operating order. Additionally, locate and save the receipt if you recently received a replacement part. It will contribute to raising the resale value.


It's always wonderful to offer long-term auto insurance to potential customers. The fact that they can save money and not have to get it themselves will entice them even more.

4. Accurate Recordkeeping

Verify that you have the service manual and the RC owner's documentation. Don't forget about insurance either. Having all the paperwork in order guarantees that potential buyers will have an opportunity to comprehend the value you are providing for your used car.


A well-maintained car makes a big difference. We've already talked about this, but your car should sell for the right price if you have a good maintenance history.


Finding out the market value of your used car is another crucial step before you sell. Are you aware of the market value of your car? Learn more. Numerous online stores and resellers will carry your model. To get the most out of your used car, you should be aware of its market value.

Conclusion: is the best place to find used car buyers if you happen to be in Dubai. They have the appropriate staff to assist in determining your used car's value.

In Dubai, has an excellent selection of used automobiles dealers. This strengthens their reputation as one of Dubai's top used car dealerships. In addition, you will receive the greatest after-sales care, and our experts can even assist you in finding a good value for your used vehicle. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find out more!
